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Black & White – 67 31
Nifty was made up to Grand Champion in December 2006 - having been a somewhat reluctant show cat, he will now retire from the show ring - we are most proud of his acheivement in gaining this title!


Nifty is a lovely big boy with a great temperament. He is always very chatty and pleased to see us. Nifty lives outdoors with his neuter friend Beani and the two of them get along beautifully – they sleep together and groom each other, and are only ever separated when Nifty has a girl in to visit. When we have no 'visitors' the two boys share a heated house, with a run attached, and we have also recently extended this run so that they have a good space in which to play - they also take a turn in the big garden three or four times a week.
We have had some beautiful babies from Nifty – big, chunky kittens, all very confident and with excellent natures. Nifty has had some gorgeous girls in to visit and this is certainly when he is happiest!
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